Pony Therapy, A Special Visit to Etive House Care Home

We were delighted to have the therapy ponies visit Etive House on 17th May 2023 for residents to enjoy some time petting them and getting to know a bit about them.

The ponies received a warm welcome from all our residents and staff. The ponies were extremely affectionate and this brought many smiles and laughter to the residents at our care home in Benderloch.
Interacting with therapy ponies can boost residents' moods, reduce feelings of loneliness, and provide a sense of companionship and comfort. The presence of the ponies can help alleviate stress, anxiety, and depression.
Therapy pony visits can also stimulate residents' cognitive abilities. Interacting with the ponies, such as learning their names or engaging in structured activities, can enhance memory, attention, and problem-solving skills.
Touching, stroking, or being close to therapy ponies can provide a soothing and sensory experience. The tactile and visual stimulation can be calming and therapeutic, especially for individuals with sensory processing disorders or dementia.
It was an absolute joy to have the therapy ponies visit us and we can't wait to welcome them back very soon.
At Etive House Care Home, we are proud to offer a varied activities programme for our residents. By offering a diverse range of activities, this helps residents to keep mentally engaged and stimulated as well as providing opportunities for socialisation and connection within group activities. Regular exercise, movement, and participation in recreational activities can improve cardiovascular health, strength, flexibility, and overall physical functioning.
Our activities programme helps to facilitate cognitive development by stimulating various cognitive functions such as memory, problem-solving, attention, and creativity. We strive to include activities that align with residents' personal interests, hobbies, or skills to boost their self-esteem, motivation, and provide a sense of accomplishment.